Malae TalleyComment

Olivia, Downtown Provo

Malae TalleyComment
Olivia, Downtown Provo

I absolutely LOVE when other creatives want to collaborate and experiment. It is always great for my artistic soul to step out of my comfort zone and just simply see, feel, and create. Olivia and I had been wanting to create unique, urban, and moody images for this shoot and we got just that. Olivia is always, always a pleasure to work with. She is so dynamic when posing and she never runs out of poses. Luckily, during the entirety of our shoot there was dark cloud cover and a bit of wind (with a few rain drops) which made for great even light to work with. For the last part of our shoot we ended up inside the parking garage and decided to use the big florescent lights on the ceiling as our light source. I know what you're thinking - florescent lights are probably the last light source I would ever use if I had a choice. But, with a lot of color correction and experimenting with color balance, we got really pretty, low key images from it. Check it out for yourselves!